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Steps of Visio Divina

This time is spent gazing upon an image, trusting that God will use it to speak to your heart. This is the time to be aware of what is striking you most about the image and talking to the Lord about it.

The meditative stage is reflecting on the meaning of the Scripture. Take to prayer a word or phrase that struck you from the Scripture reading.

Using provided reflection questions, enter into a conversation with the Lord regarding the theme of the visio divina.

This is simply resting in God and is a time of divine intimacy. At this stage, you are drawn into relationship, a loving encounter with God.

This stage is the one in which you ask yourself and God how to apply what you have received in prayer into your own life. You ask, “How will I live this out?”

While this is the usual stage and order of the steps of Visio Divina, know these are just recommendations to help the prayer process.

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